Wireless network ports actually work in the same way as routermodems we know and are systems that produce small radio waves. WiFi standards are divided into 802.11a, b, g and n according to their types and features. The most widely used of these is 802.11b and it has a span of 2.4Ghz. However, it is possible to establish a maximum of 11 Megabits connection with 802.11b. However, it is possible to reach speeds of 54 Mbit per second with 802.11g and 140 Mbit with 802.11n. Today, almost all laptops have integrated Wi-Fi receivers. Those who do not, can easily acquire this feature with PCMCIA cards.
Wireless network systems work with radio frequencies. Communication with radio waves can be in three types. These are called receivers, transmitters and trans-receivers.
After explaining the components of the components that make up Wi-Fi, it is necessary to know that this technology is too extensive to be invented by a single inventor. Just like radio or television, wifi technology has emerged as a result of many developments and has become a standard.
First, let's focus on the history of the 802.11 radio frequency standards used to broadcast a WiFi signal.Secondly, it is necessary to look at the electronic devices for sending and receiving a WiFi signal. There are many patents associated with WiFi technology.
Vic Hayes is referred to as the “father of Wi-Fi” because he chaired the IEEE committee, which established the 802.11 standards in 1997. VicHayes and the IEEE committee have set the standards for WiFi before Wi-Fi is available. The 802.11 standard was established in 1997. Then came the 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n and other network improvements in bandwidth that meet 802.11 standards. The letters added to the end show that it is more advanced than the previous one. The most important thing you should know as a consumer is that the newest version is the best in terms of performance and the devices that will run the new standards must be compatible with these standards.
Who Owns the WLAN Patent?
The most important patent for WiFi technology that wins and deserves patent cases lies with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). CSIRO has invented a chip that greatly improves WiFi signal quality.
According to the technology news site PHYSORG, In the 1990s, for this invention, CSIRO pioneered studies in radio astronomy. Under the leadership of John O'Sullivan, the work of a team of scientists reflecting and directing radio waves was used. Indoor surfaces caused an echo that disrupted the signal. CSIRO invented a fast chip that can transmit the signal by reducing echo, leaving behind many of the major communication companies worldwide trying to solve the same problem.
CSIRO is one of the creators of this technology. John O’Sullivan, Dr. Terry Percival announced that he was Mr. Diet Ostry, Mr. Graham Daniels, and Mr. John Deane.
Since radio signals are used in wireless communication, communication between the user and the wireless access point can be listened to. Although encryption methods such as WEP, WPA and WPA2 are used to prevent this, these encryption methods are still not considered secure enough. Many encrypted wireless communications can be deciphered after a sufficient number of encrypted packets have been collected. Therefore, VPN and similar encrypted communication methods working in the upper layers are used for the users of wireless companies in various companies, schools, etc. to access the network. Its protocol is 802.1x.
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